Sunday, March 27, 2005

Does Anyone Have Sean Hannity Show Friday - Clip?

[LOOKING for Dr. Cranford's balloon video.]

Does anyone have a sound clip or transcript from the Sean Hannity show Friday where the nurse Sean had as his guest revealed:

  1. The judge had instituted the gag order preventing the nurses from saying anything "positive" - not from lying or telling the truth, but from revealing anything "positive" about Terri (even if it was fact)?

  2. There are more nurses at the hospice ready to come forward, support Terri's claim that she's neither Stage 1 (beyond hope) nor Stage 2 (hope), but Stage 3 (expect meaningful improvement)?

I'm need to link to both on the latest post I will be putting up. It challenges those choosing to end Terri's life to make a choice: either tens or hundreds of eyewitnesses are ALL lying in a cruel, hysterical right-wing hoax, or else the CT Brain Scan evidence is clearly a hoax. Both cannot possibly be true. (More on the EEG in a follow-up.)

Would also take any text transcripts of the nurses' and/or witnesses' interviews with Sean Hannity or Hannity & Colmes. Thanks!


Blogger Lone Ranger said...

There is one last act of courage that Jeb Bush can perfom in this tragedy and that is to seize Terri's body as part of a murder investigation before it is cremated. I can understand how he could not send in heavily armed marshals to spirit Terri away in the middle of the night like Clinton did in defiance of a court order awarding custody of Elian Gonzalaz to his extended family. But if Jeb Bush doesn't open a murder investigation and collect ALL evidence including Terri's body, then the opening battle of the euthanasia war will go to the Deathocrats.

11:16 AM  
Blogger A Dog Named Kyoto said...

The video you are looking for of the interview of Carla Sauer Iyer is here:

The "gag order" statement is about three-quarters of the way through.

There are more nurses' statements here:

9:24 PM  
Blogger Concerned Citizen said...

Did you hear that Michael wants to put 'ugly rumors' to rest by having an autopsy done after Terri dies? I guess he realizes that people are going to call him a murderer and probably threaten his life after she's dead. What a moron this is to think that an autopsy is going to change how people view him. He's going to become ostracized except by his family. Ten again, the US is so Fu*cked-UP he'll probably be celebrated. After all, isn't that what the media in this country does with evil people - celebrate them???a

9:34 PM  
Blogger Concerned Citizen said...

Did you hear that Michael wants to put 'ugly rumors' to rest by having an autopsy done after Terri dies? I guess he realizes that people are going to call him a murderer and probably threaten his life after she's dead. What a moron this is to think that an autopsy is going to change how people view him. He's going to become ostracized except by his family. Ten again, the US is so Fu*cked-UP he'll probably be celebrated. After all, isn't that what the media in this country does with evil people - celebrate them???a

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

-terry was blind
(so much for the balloon theory)
-No sign Schiavo was abused

There was no "there" there.

Our thoughts are what most make us human.
Terri stopped thinking 10 years ago- "Terri" died 10 years ago.

Her soul moved on ten years ago.

Elvis left the building ten years ago.

To play dress up with her body and pretend that it is "Terri", after she left this world, is the
epitomy of disrespect

Only thoughtless morons
would think that a brain dead body
is a person.


1:59 PM  

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